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What Makes My Ductless HVAC System So Noisy in Normal, IL?

noisy ductless HVAC system in Normal, IL

Aside from the sounds made during normal operation, the ductless HVAC system in your Normal, IL home should remain relatively silent. Some problems, however, can make your ductless system noisy. Here are some of the most common causes of this issue.

Bubbles in the Refrigerant Line

You might hear a hissing or gurgling sound if the refrigerant line has air bubbles in it. If there are air bubbles, then it’s likely there’s a leak somewhere in the line. Your system needs refrigerant in order to work correctly, so proactive maintenance can confirm whether there’s a leak.

Worn Bearings

You can find dozens of oiled bearings inside the air handler of your ductless system. These bearings reduce the friction between moving parts inside the equipment. If they wear down, you might start to hear a grinding sound when your ductless system is in operation.

Lubrication of the bearings plays a big role in the lifespan and performance of your system. When the bearings become worn out, your air handler might wear out as well. HVAC specialists recommend having these bearings greased at least once a year.

Short Cycles

Do you hear your ductless system constantly turn on and off within a few minutes? If you hear this, it means the ductless system is short cycling. This is possibly because there’s a problem with the thermostat or the compressor.

Loose Components

A rattling sound can be caused by a broken part. However, it could also signal that something has made its way into the system and is coming into contact with its components.

A noisy ductless HVAC system deserves immediate attention. Without it, you risk doing damage to the system. Contact our team at Custom Air Company today, so we can make your noisy ductless system quiet again.

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