Your furnace is a crucial part of keeping your Normal, IL home warm. If it starts making unusual sounds, you may need to technicians inspect it soon. Let’s review some common furnace noises and discuss what they mean for you as a homeowner.
Rattling from the furnace could mean that there’s a loose door or panel. On the other hand, there could be a loose part inside the furnace itself. Reach out to an expert right away for assistance.
If you notice whistling in your system, consider the air filters. It’s common for air to whistle through the narrow openings of a filter when it’s clogged or dirty. To help keep optimal airflow, change your filters every two to three months and schedule maintenance services annually.
A screeching noise can mean a fan belt is out of place. It also can be due to a blower motor issue, which an HVAC technician should handle.
Loud Buzzing or Humming
If an otherwise quiet humming becomes louder, this could indicate a motor issue or a problem with the fan. While it may be a simple matter, such as a loose door or screw, let an expert examine the furnace to determine what’s going on.
A clicking sound usually isn’t anything to worry about at the start of the furnace heating cycle. If it continues, there could be a problem with the ignition system. Some other common reasons for clicking throughout a cycle include control panel malfunctions, compressor issues or a faulty fan motor.
It’s easy to worry when you hear concerning noises from your heating system. We proudly offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee with our services. If you’re in the Normal, IL area, contact us at Custom Air Company Heating to schedule furnace repairs for your home.
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