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Ductless HVAC Equipment is Extremely Efficient

Ductless HVAC Equipment in Peoria, IL

Finding the right solutions for keeping things cool indoors in summer and warm in winter can be challenging. Efficient and easy to install, ductless HVAC equipment offers some real advantages for homeowners in Peoria and other nearby communities in Illinois.

Higher Energy Efficiency

Because ductless HVAC equipment requires no ductwork to deliver cool air directly to the desired location, these systems can reduce energy loss that occurs between the source of conditioned air and your indoor spaces. This can often translate into lower utility bills and increased savings while allowing you to enjoy cool comfort inside your home throughout the hottest part of summer. Ductless HVAC equipment can help you keep your home cool and comfortable for less.

Superior Comfort in Every Room

Eliminating ducts can also improve indoor air quality by reducing dust and other pollutants that can sometimes build up in ductwork. Because dust and particulates can often be triggers for respiratory illnesses like asthma, reducing these pollutants can allow your family to breathe more easily. Ductless mini-split air conditioning systems can also allow homeowners to create customized comfort zones that allow greater control over indoor temperatures for specific rooms and areas. These systems offer greater flexibility in managing temperatures throughout your Illinois home.

Fast and Convenient Installation

Professional installation services for ductless HVAC equipment can often be completed within a few days, which can minimize disruption to your regular routine at home. These cooling systems consist of an outdoor compressor unit and one or more interior air handling units, which can be installed easily in locations that suit your needs. Since only a small conduit is required to connect the compressor with indoor air handling units, these professional installation services can be completed without extensive cleanup procedures.

If you are looking for an energy-efficient solution for cooling your home in Peoria or any of the surrounding areas in Illinois, Custom Air Company can install ductless HVAC equipment that suits your needs and your budget. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with our team. We’re here to provide dependable HVAC services for you and your family.

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