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Do I Need to Have a New Heat Pump Installed in Peoria, IL?

Heat Pump Installation in Peoria, IL

Heat pumps wear out. Even in Peoria, IL, where the average summer temperature only touches the 90s, heat pumps experience wear and tear. Read on to learn about four signs that you might need to invest in a new heat pump installation.

1. Heat Pump Is More Than 10 Years Old

Energy Star, which is part of a joint project of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy, recommends replacing your heat pump every 10 years. This is true even if it’s still working at the time.

2. Notice Marked Changes in Your Energy Bills

Some fluctuation in your energy bills is normal, but spikes out of the blue are not. If your energy bill goes up markedly and suddenly, then your heat pump is working much harder to keep your home cool during the summer. That could mean that it’s time for a new heat pump.

3. Need More Frequent Repairs

On average, you’ll need maintenance on your heat pump about once a year, perhaps twice. If you’ve had to call for repairs more than that within any calendar year, especially if the cost of the repairs adds up to more than the cost for a new heat pump, then it’s time to get a new one.

4. Notice Uneven Cooling

If your dining room is pleasant, but your living room is stifling, then your heat pump isn’t cooling your home efficiently. It’s a good idea to have someone look at your heat pump when this happens. Be ready to get a new heat pump in this instance.

We provide first-rate heat pumps and believe in open and honest business dealings with all of our customers. Our A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau means a lot to us, so we’ll always treat you right. For both new heat pumps and heat pump services, give us a call at Customer Air Company Heating and Air Conditioning today.

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